   Welcome. This portfolium presents academic and professional information about Carlos Eduardo Vaisman Muniz. Currently, he is a Computer Science PhD candidate with specialization in Computer Graphics at Universidade Federal Fluminense, located at the city of Niterói, RJ, Brazil.

    B.Sc. in Computer Science at Universidade Federal Fluminense
    M.Sc. in Computer Science at Universidade Federal Fluminense

   "A world where the development of video games and multimedia content is accessible and fast for anyone, regardless of their design or artistic skills."

   That's the vision that moves the Projects, Sites and Publications displayed in this site. It ranges from the production of tools to create and manipulate graphic objects and sites to manage, distribute and spread the word about the projects generated by users.

Curriculum Vitae
   Carlos's curriculum vitae is available online at the Lattes System. Carlos has also public profiles at Research Gate and LinkedIn.

   My email